| Recitations and Addresses Greco-Roman and German literature, in German language (detailed information available by written request)
Themenlesung 2023 | Liebe als literarisches Ereignis. 1. Reşit Haylamaz, Khadidscha, 2008 2. Francis Bebey, Eine Liebe in Duala, 1991 summer 2023 | status: closed Am grauen Meer - Theodor Storm J. W. Goethe, West-östlicher Divan (vollständiger Text) Chat with Goethe. Recitation of Divan in Social Media Webinar presentation on occasion of webinar titled “The role of the 1st Bashkir Regiment in the Dutch Campaign”, conducted by Geelvinck Museum/NL online, 17.11.2021 https://geelvinckfestival.nl/en/the-bashkiers-ship-bridge/# Keywords: Goethe, Divan, literature, social media, intercultural dialogue Lecture Version https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-WKvLGdv5h9z7FTAOCOoUghuUJqk-Hr5/view?usp=share_link Read now: Chat with Goethe. Recitation of Divan in Social Media. Kairoer Germanistische Studien 24, 2020, 151-156. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MQlimehs5sVfYHvjYjV1P5BYDsiOEJ5w/view?usp=share_link Bashkir horseman at Ijssel River in high waters, Veessen 17 - 18h. PM, 23 Feb 2022 | Photos: Dunya Verwey, Museum Geelvinck, Amsterdam/Heerde, NL) Hark Olufs sonderbare Avanturen, 1751 daily: June 12th to July 3rd 2021 status closed. Publication in preparation Medium: WhatsApp Access: for registered participants audio tape/podcast and digital booklet will be available after written request in 2022. Lichte Höhen zwischen Ardistan und Dschinnistan. Lesung anläßlich des 180. Geburtstages und 110. Todestages von Karl May (Hohenstein-Ernstthal, 25.2.1842 - Radebeul, 30.3.1912). Spätwerk. Lyrik. Ethik. Daily: Sunday, November 14th, 2021 to Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 Status: closed Medium: WhatsApp. Format: mp3 / mp4 Language: German Access: closed
Tagung Orbis Aethiopicus e.V., Gotha 19.-21. Oktober 2018zumThema: Aethiopia, Habesch, das Land des Priesters Johannes, Abessinien – Äthiopien zwischen Forschung und Abenteuer Lesung: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Biesterfeld & Dr. Gabriele Ziethen: "Sklavenrache" - oder die Rettung des Amharenknaben. Ein wenig bekannter Text von Karl May (1889). | Sprecherin: G. Ziethen Musikalische Komposition/Klarinette: W. Biesterfeld Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G9urJmpEibUMUI-8_473o56BrbCmH0AG Wissenschaftlicher Kommentar zum Text: G. Ziethen Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gIe6kembUEhLYaul3RXq3Xd7fbNyC9MC/view?usp=sharing Wir danken der Gesellschaft Orbis Aethiopicus e.V. für die Aufnahme Festvortäge & Traueransprachen Commemorative addresses & Funeral speeches
in German and English language (information and details by written request) |
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