Contact & Impressum


©  Copyright  2014-2024  Dr. phil. Gabriele Ziethen-Humberg
(name in publications: Dr. Gabriele Ziethen)


Written requests to be addressed by E-mail form or postal mail to:


Dr. phil. Gabriele Ziethen-Humberg

Eduard-David-Str. 13

D-67547 Worms (Germany)

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Instagram @ziethengabriele

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Propylaeum Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften



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Last review of website: 12.09.2024

This is a private website. It represents the scientific research and joined academic projects, teaching, lecturing and related travels of Dr. Gabriele Ziethen-Humberg (name in publications: Dr. Gabriele Ziethen). Its content is to support science in field of cultural history.

We do not collect or store data about names or from correspondences or commentaries etc. This website was created privately using only the tools provided by the Telekom system. Recent rules for data managing are strictly taken into consideration.


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The use by third parties of all published contact details for the purpose of advertising is expressly excluded. We reserve the right to take legal steps in the case of the unsolicited sending of advertising information; e.g., by means of spam mail.








© 2014 All rights reserved by Dr. Gabriele Ziethen, Germany. No guarantee for contents added by thirds.

Written requests to be addressed by postal mail to:

Dr. Gabriele Ziethen, Eduard-David-Str. 13, D-67547 Worms (Germany)





Photo © G. Ziethen #Flowers of Fantasy no. 1#, 2017